• Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I compiled a native version of Wolfenstein 3D for the Mac here. It is based on Wolf4SDL 1.7 SVN. It is based on Wolf4SDL 1.7 SVN. Unfortunately the original author's website is down, but you can get the link to the SVN on my site.
  • Wolfenstein 3D: Strangestein 1.0 - Custom level for Wolfenstein 3D game. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Wolfenstein 3D: Strangestein for Mac from MacUpdate.
  • Wolfenstein 3D. Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Mac Aspyr. 2.3 out of 5 stars 24. Play on os x. It was made to play in classic mode which won't play on any os x mac. You can down load dos box and then download Wolf pc version. But it's a downer. I'm putting mine in the trash after being disappointed for 6 months:( Good.

Wolfenstein 3d free download - Castle Wolfenstein, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer test, and many more programs. AVG AntiVirus for Mac. View all Mac apps. Popular Android Apps TubeMate 3. XXX Video Player - HD X Player. XX Video Player 2018 - HD XX Movie Player 2018. Description of Wolfenstein 3D Mac. Wolfenstein 3D, a really nice action game sold in 1995 for Mac, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Apple IIgs, time to play a shooter, compilation / shovelware, world war ii and fps video game title.

Download ECWolf

Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Return to Castle Wolfenstein is built on the awesome Quake 3 Arena engine by the id Software team. The game itself is loosly based on World War II seeing the Axis and Allies do battle. The games flawless attention to detail, fluid multiplayer and single player gameplay means that it has already been modded a great.

ECWolf 1.3.3

Requires registered or shareware game data from Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, and/or Super 3D Noah's Ark. The Wolfenstein games may be purchased on Steam, GOG, or you may use the shareware files provided below. Super 3D Noah's Ark is available on itch.io.You only need the n3d, sdm, sod, sd2, sd3, wl1, or wl6 files.

  1. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free and open source multiplayer first-person shooter video game set during World War II.It was originally planned to be released as a commercial expansion pack to Return to Castle Wolfenstein and later as a standalone game. However, due to problems with the single-player aspect, the multiplayer portion was released on 29 May 2003 as a.
  2. AFTER downloading this, go and download the.DDL file that Flyingkiwi234 has listed. Open the oflder where you downloaded this torrent. X:return to castle wolfensteinreturn to castle wolfenstein. Go up one directory to X:Return to castle wolfenstein. Make new directory and name it EXTRAS enter EXTRAS directory. Make new directory named CS.

If the game appears graphically glitched, run the patch further down on this page!

ECWolf for Windows(x86-64)

Supports Windows XP and later. If you purchased the games through Steam or GOG, then ECWolf will automatically find your game data. Otherwise place the files in the same directory as ecwolf.exe.

CastleECWolf for Legacy Windows

Supports Windows 98, 98SE, Me, NT4, and 2000 as well as systems without SSE2 (Pentium 3/Athlon XP). Use the previous download for newer versions of Windows. Place the files in the same directory as ecwolf.exe.

ECWolf for Mac OS X

Binary for x86 and PowerPC based Macintoshes. Supports Mac OS X 10.4 and later. Place your game data files in ~/Library/Application Support/ECWolf/.

ECWolf for Ubuntu(x86-64)

Supports Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or later. Alternatively you can use the DRDTeam apt repository. To install:

Whichever method you choose, place your game data files in ~/.config/ecwolf/.

ECWolf for Android

Supports Android 3.1 or later (ARM). Place data in /sdcard/Beloko/Wolf3d/FULL.

ECWolf Source Code

The source code uses CMake to generate project files for all platforms. Supported compilers are GCC and MSVC. The code depends on SDL as well as the customized SDL_mixer. (Stock SDL_mixer will work, but features will be disabled.)

The source is dual licensed under the GPL (default) as well as the original non-commercial license. Seethe wiki for more information.

Nightly builds are also available from DRD Team.

There are also some unofficial ports for GCW Zero, Pandora, and Windows RT. Unofficial Linux packages are available for ArchLinux. These ports may not be up to date, and please contact their maintainer for any issues.

Tech Demo

See some of the features that ECWolf offers to mod authors! Use drag and drop or --file to load.

ECWolf 1.2 Tech Demo

Tech demo for ECWolf 1.2/1.3 created by Executor. Run with the full version of Wolfenstein 3D.

Want more? Load the expansion pack Return to Totenhaus with it as well!

Patch Utility

ECWolf requires the latest version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you do not have the Activision/GT release then this patch utility will update your game.The source code for the program is included with the ECWolf source.

This patch will also patch Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold from any version to 3.0!

Wolf3D Patch for Windows

Wolfenstein 3d Windows 10

Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mac Os X Download

Place patchutil.exe in the directory with your unpatched data files. After running you should have the proper version for ECWolf. On WindowsVista/7 and newer this will ask for administrative priviledges which can be avoided by renaming the file.

Wolf3D Patch for Mac OS X

Place patchutil in the directory with your unpatched data files. Open a terminal and use cd to change to that directory. Run `./patchutil` and you should end up with the proper version for ECWolf. This is a universal x86/ppc binary.

Wolf3D Patch for x86 Linux based Operating Systems(x86-64)

Place patchutil in the directory with your unpatched data files. Open a terminal and use cd to change to that directory. Run `./patchutil` and you should end up with the proper version for ECWolf. Do note that the patch requires all lower case filenames. The following command can fix upper case filenames in the working directory:

Shareware Games

The following shareware games can be played using ECWolf.

The following are downloads for the shareware version of games that use the Wolfenstein 3D engine, but are not yet supported by ECWolf.

  • Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter (Mac)

Original Platform: DOS

Wolfenstein 3D is a first-person shooter developed by Id Software and published by Apogee Software in 1992 for DOS.


92/100 based on 5 editorial reviews. Add your vote

PublisherApogee Software
Developerid Software
OS supportedWindows XP, 2000 & Windows 7, MacOS X 10.6+
Updated20 November 2016

Game Review

Wolfenstein 3d Download Full Game

Wolfenstein 3D is a first-person shooter developed by Id Software and published by Apogee Software in 1992 for DOS. It has since been ported for several systems including PC-98, Mac, Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

Mac Os X Download Iso

The game was inspired by the 1980s Muse Software video game Castle Wolfenstein, a top-down infiltration game.

Wolfenstein 3D came out hot on the heels of the Commander Keen series and utilized the game engine created by John Cormack. It was pre-Doom, but you can see that many of the gameplay elements made their way into this future release. Playing as a captured allied spy, you must escape your Nazi captors and foil their plans for world domination. The game is broken down into six episodes which further break down into ten levels each. Eight regular levels, a boss level, and a secret level. Each level has a labyrinthian set up with lots of areas to explore, secrets to find, and enemies to blow away. You have a set number of lives, but it is possible to earn extra lives as you play.

Return Of Castle Wolfenstein

Wolfenstein 3D is one of Apogee’s best selling games and is looked at by many as the godfather of 3D and first-person shooters. It raked in cash for both Apogee and Id in its heyday. 26 years later it still holds up as a classic of the genre and a hell of a good game.

Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mac Os X Download Game

Wolfenstein 3d Download For Windows 7

Review by: Tasha
Published: 27 July 2018, 1:36 pm

Games > PC
631.11 MiB (661769552 Bytes)
2009-01-01 16:22:08 GMT

Info Hash:

Mac Os X Download 10.6

Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mac Os X Download
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Castle Wolfenstein Pc Game